Mike the ringer

Filmmakers Blog, May 28, 2013

This is Mike, a ringer from South Africa. He travels to Aras Turkey to volunteer at the bird banding station during migration season. How he got there is an interesting story… One year at the Aras Bird banding station  someone banded a “Turkish” barn swallow. This same swallow was later re-trapped in South Africa.  A dialogue between the banding stations started and Mike ended up following the swallows path, travelling to Aras Turkey to volunteer at the very place where the swallow was first caught. He’s retired now, spends each spring and fall banding birds at various places in the world and by doing so, contributes enormously to bird conservation. The planet needs more Mike’s.



Filming at Lake Kuyucuk near Kars Turkey

Filmmakers blog, May 28, 2013

Filming at Lake Kuyucuk near Kars Turkey

Lake Kuyucuk is near the far east border between Turkey and Armenia, near the Dead Sea. It is a beautiful spot, made more beautiful because of the conservation work of the KuzeyDoga Society. We filmed here during spring migration with Çağan H. Şekercioğlu. Çağan with KuzeyDoga played a key role in gaining international Ramsar recognition for Lake Kuyucuk. The lake is home to over 40,000 birds of 227 species, a key habitat for globally Endangered White-headed Duck and Egyptian Vulture. It also provides a safe stop over site for migrating songbirds, and it is mecca for international birdwatchers.


Bird Banding Hut at dusk. Lake Kuyucuk  near Kars, Turkey

There is an international convention going on inside that caravan!  Me a Canadian director with a crew from France, filming tireless volunteers from different corners of the earth who have come to Lake each spring to band migrating birds.  With mist nests out every morning and late afternoon, they have documented hundreds of species over the years. Çağan H. Şekercioğlu won a Whitley Award in 2008 and again in 2013 for his work here, which aims to protect wetland ecosystems whilst bringing real benefits to local people.

Çağan and road kill Near Kars, Turkey

May 27. 2013 Kars Turkey

Çağan and road kill Near Kars Turkey

Dr. Çağan H. Şekercioğlu is a conservation ecologist at the University of Utah, but it’s his field-work in his native Turkey that got us excited about including him in SongbirdSOS. Our trip to film with him near Kars was C R A Z Y. Cagan certainly is a guy on the go – a force to be reckoned with. We had just met and we were traveling with him in our rented mini van and he suddenly demanded that we stop immediately! He jumped out of the car, grabbed his camera, and began photographing. He had spotted a rare Egyptian vulture.  (This is a man who has a bird list nearly 600 species long). The vulture was circling road kill. The road kill being another bird. So we all jumped out filmed him telling us this story.


Amar Arhab

Zupten Netherlands, May 24, 2013

Here is Amar Arhab, our wonderful camera man, kindly draining the water out of the water jugs we used as counter weights for our high angle shots, while at the same tie trying to squeeze in a smoke break. That’s the truth of our shooting schedule — we never really stop moving.

A Disaster in the Making

Filmmakers Blog. May 24. 2013. Zutphen, Netherlands.

“A Disaster in the Making” is the name of Dr. Henk Tennekes book. The book is about why bees, the number one insect pollinator on the planet are dying at an alarming rate.

What impressed me so much about this book is that is the art and design. It’s a beautiful book, visually full of amazing paintings by Ami-Bernard Zillweger.  When I asked Henk about this he said that he felt it was such a tragic topic that the book needed to be beautiful. And it is. There is a bitter-sweet quality when exploring the pages, with the art work reminding us of the natural world, where we are loosing so much so quickly.

Quote from Jody Spear.

“Why is it that birds are falling from the skies, their numbers crashing in mass extinctions? Henk Tennekes has an answer: He cites evidence in this book that the species suffering dramatic losses (mostly out of public view) in the past two decades — sparrows, swifts, starlings, and many other insectivores — are struggling to find food; insects such as beetles, springtails, and earthworms are being wiped out by neonicotinoid insecticides, chiefly imidacloprid and clothianidin. “The excessive imidacloprid levels noted in surface water of … [places] with intensive agriculture have been associated with insect decline and [subsequently] a dramatic decline of common grassland birds.”

And this is what we explore with Henk in SongbirdSOS.
